Cell salts #4-6

Cell Salts-Top 12 Minerals continued….

#4-Ferrum Phosphoricum (Iron Phosphate)

Ferrum Phosphoricum is considered a builder and essential for energy metabolism, in fact all phosphates are considered builders in the body (think brain and nerve nutrients). It is used for maintaining every cell (including energy and ionic charge) in the body, and also widely known as the stage 1 anti-inflammatory cell salt and oxygen carrier.  Ferrum Phosphoricum is also considered the 1st aid cell salt (think heat, pain, redness, throbbing,headaches, quickened pulse) and is known for its fast acting mechanisms. It is used regularly for someone in a state of shock and for someone who is feeling really weak. In fact it is used as part of a power formula -#4-Ferrum Phosphoricum, #6-Kalium Phosphoricum, #8-Magnesium Phosphoricum, and #9-Natrium Muriaticum. It can be used externally or internally. It is known to be helpful with wounds, cuts, abrasions, and bleeding.

Signs that you may need Ferrum Phosphoricum (Iron Phosphate)

-aching muscles


-blood issues or blood storage issues

-bladder incontinence



-cramping muscles

-ear pain

-digestive issues with hot flushed face

-inflamed colon

-haemorrhoids, inflamed, bleeding

-heavy menstruation



-low fever

-middle ear infection

-weak muscles


-bright fed gums


-shingles outbreaks

-low oxygen

-inflamed joints-rheumatism

Facial signs of Ferrum Phosphoricum

-Blueish-black discolouration (dark colour) visible at the root of the nose and spreads to the inner corner of the eye corner. (Sometimes easier to see if you lift the eyebrows)

-Can have red cheeks -warm red (like fresh blood) (almost like they look hot) but you will see that they are actually quite pale- pale skin

-Pimples and blackheads and are often associated to Ferrum Phosphoricum association if it is surrounded by a red halo.

-Hung over, didn’t get enough sleep appearance

-Translucent skin by eyes that you can see blue veins

-Pale lips and pale gums

#5-Kalium Muriaticum

Kalium Muriaticum is known as the mineral worker of the body and for stage 2 inflammation. Used for every cell in the body and the ionic charge for the activity of your cells.  It is helpful for glands, detoxing and the lungs. It is specifically helpful for the respiratory system such as coughs, colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and catarrhal infection of the middle ear. It is also used for mucus and things like sinusitis with success. Another primary use is for supporting detoxing the lymphatic system. It is the operating agent for the glands in the body. Glands are considered the Secretory organs in the body and consist of Exocrine glands and Endocrine glands. These glands play a vital role in the Physiology and homeostasis balance in the body. Some examples of the Secretory organs are listed below.

Exocrine glands consist of;

-Salivary glands

-Mucous glands

-Lachrymal glands

-Pancreatic gland

-Sweat glands and Mammory glands

Endocrine glands consist of;

-Pituitary gland

-Thyroid gland

-Parathyroid gland

-Adrenal gland

-Pineal gland

-Thymus gland

-Hypothalamus gland

Signs that you may need Kali Mur (can be known as Potassium Chloride)



-Asthma, bronchial asthma

-Blood flow/circulation issues



-Celiac Disease

-Cystitis (chronic)



-inflamed glands

-hearing issues -acute


-ingrown toenails

-loss of voice/hoarseness from cold

-mucous cough

-ovary issues

-pericardial issues

-soft swellings



-varicose veins, spider Bursts

-ulcers in the mouth


-pancreas problems

-colon issues

-white coated tongue

-elimination of medical drugs-vaccination-anaesthetic poisoning etc, tonsils inflamed

-inflamed bladder

-skin tags


-Varicose veins

-candida long standing

-heavy ear wax


-Chronic fatigue syndrome

-rheumatic arthritis

-headaches with a thick white coat on the tongue-can accompany vomiting or constipation

-behaviours that may be associated-phobias, hypochondria, compulsive behaviours, and brain fog

Facial signs of Kalium Muriaticum

-Milky white appearance to the skin-under the eyebrows and around eye sockets. Milk moustache can appear over the upper lip or can extend to the entire cheek.

-Redness along the lips of the eyes (almost like you have red/pink eyeliner on)

-chicken appearance on the upper arms or other areas.

-some yellow on the inside of the eyes can indicate this deficiency

#6-Kalium Phosphoricum

Kalium Phosphoricum is considered as one of the leading minerals of the Nerves, Brain, blood and muscles of the body. In fact, the Grey matter of the brain is controlled entirely by the inorganic cell salt potassium phosphate. This salt combines with protein and oxygen helps to create nerve fluid (or the grey matter of the brain). This mineral is useful for the treatment of nervous conditions such as headaches, nervous exhaustion, indigestion, insomnia, depression, low vitality. It is also used for things such as Shingles or Nervous asthma. It is the remedy for emotional irritability, nervousness, tantrums and exhaustion (think of attitude adjuster). Combining all 5 phosphates have a tendency to resolve irrational behavioural issues.

Signs that you may need Kalium Phosphoricum (Potassium phosphate)

-all kinds of paralysis



-bleeding gums

-headaches after nervous strain

-loss of memory

-gastric, enteric, hypoid fever

-high fever

-gum recession

-crossness and ill temper in children


-loss of voice (paralysis of vocal chords)

-low blood pressure

-weak circulation

-mouth ulcers

-muscular atrophy

-nervous asthma

-stomach weakness, ulcers

-scarlet fever

-sleep walking


-stiffness paralytic tendency

-total exhaustion

-vertigo after rising

-weak heart, muscles, nerves, eyesight

-teeth and gum problems

-hungry after eating-not satisfied


Facial signs of Kalium Phosphoricum

-Sunken temples (by sides of eyes)

-greyish colouring around the chin, mouth or temples

-dull eyes

-some loss of hair around hair line on front of forehead

-rose hue to face

-sweating can be an issue for some-shiny on face

-foul breath/halitosis


Your Liver and Gallbladder


Cell salts #1-3