The story of Soul Monkey Yoga & Wellness

Developed from a desire to feel better.


As far back as I can remember, I have always felt at home in the forests, swimming in the oceans or lying on the earth.


So the decision to start Soul Monkey Yoga & Wellness was an easy one. It fueled my fire for Connection, Passion and Purpose. It set my foundation and supported my courage to follow my truth.

As I navigate and adapt in this life and all that it presents, I continue to trust this journey and the path that I am on. Who am I has continued to evolve since that time in 2013 and with any luck, it will continue far into the future.  

I am a fellow human, who is known to some as mom, daughter, and friend. I have two amazing sons and a dog named Bennett. I am blessed to have the best of friends and family in my life, land to cultivate, forage, and breathe from, and a house to call home. I currently live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada but my roots reach as far as the Ocean. 

I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist(CHN), an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher(E-RYT), and Wellness Advisor.

I am also an Earth-crafter, Forager, Plant Medicine Guide and a Permaculture Designer.

I love to laugh loudly, connect with like-minded people, create abundance around me, study the human body, learn from the earth and be a student. 

Most call me Jenn.

Life is meant to be passionately lived and our legacy is our opportunity to spread this love.

"I remember meeting Jenn for the first time very vividly! I was delivering some of my very own pasture raised organic chickens that she had ordered. I was immediately connected to her passion for health and wellness and amazing personality. It is not everyday you get the pleasure of walking away from a stranger that leaves you with positivity and a warm heart. Always staying connected over the years - I’ve been a client of hers and her treatments and knowledge are above and beyond great. You trust her because she lives it, breathes it and loves it. So blessed to grow and share with you, Jenn."

— L. Bird

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